Phone: 920-467-7908
We’re located at:
Sheboygan Falls Memorial Library
330 Buffalo St.
Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085
Mark Rozmarynowski, Library Director
Alyssa Sabel, Audiovisual & ILL Librarian
Kelly Irwin, Adult Fiction and Outreach Librarian
Brittany Witkowski, Children’s Programming Librarian
Krista Friese, Children’s Materials Librarian
Brittney Sandberg, MonarchCat Librarian
Library Board of Trustees:
Tom Bigler, President
Pat Schroeder
Lee Riter
Zach Pethan
Gerri Olson
Mary Ullestad-Heneke
Claire Steckbauer
Sheboygan Falls Memorial Library Board Policies
A special thank you to the Friends of the Sheboygan Falls Library, a group of volunteers whose generosity and support makes our library a better place.